Jessica Antania Trisno or known as Jess Trisno was an alumna of the New York Film Academy, in New York City, majoring in Photography in 2019 then she was a New York City-based photographer until she moved back to her hometown, Jakarta, Indonesia when the pandemic happened in 2020. 

Her background of interest in photography started with her first ever analog film camera in 2006 and made her keep going to be in love with film photography until today. Come back to her hometown was challenging for her; after 2 years of adapting the current situation, she is now doing portraits for family and friends and also open a business for wedding analog photography service in combining what she has always been loving to photograph which is capturing the essence of people both in the studio environment and also in the streets with film or digital cameras.

She always is open to collaboration with artists or new ideas so please approach her through email if anyone is interested in doing so. She will welcome you with excitement and open arms!